However she – and insiders at the big banks – discount the idea of Google launching a fully fledged bank, given the costs, regulatory requirements and its advertising revenue from financial services clients. 不过,她和各大银行业内人士都对谷歌推出完整版银行的想法表示怀疑,鉴于成本、监管要求和谷歌来自金融服务业客户的广告收入。
Fierce bidding for the blocks has narrowed the discount to the market price, according to bankers, increasing the danger of a deal turning sour for the bank. 据银行家们表示,大宗交易的激烈竞标已缩小了这类交易相对公开市场价格的折价幅度,对银行来说,这增加了交易出问题的风险。
Banks also accept discount on promissory notes, witch is another form of bank loan. 银行也办理票据贴现业务,这是银行贷款的另一种形式。
A finance technique in which a business sells invoiced receivables at a discount to a bank or finance house ( the factor) or to an internal finance company. 企业将应收账款以折价出售给银行或金融机构(应收账款收购商)或内部财务公司。
Establish a customer service center, introduce discount payment system for the automatic deduction of water utility rates from bank accounts and calculation system for daily rate use. 建立消费者服务中心,引入优惠支付系统,通过银行帐户和每日使用频率计算系统自动减少用水费用。
HSBC said it would take up its full allotment of the Hong Kong portion of the rights issue, which is priced at a 37 per cent discount to the bank's closing price on Friday. 汇丰表示,将全额认购香港部分的配股,新股定价相对于交行上周五的收盘价有37%的折让。
Discount window [ central Bank] 贴现窗口[中央银行]
After the euro came into force, commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless. 欧元问世后,商业银行可在欧洲央行(ecb)的贴现窗口,为自己所持有的政府债券进行再融资,而监管者认为这些债券是无风险的。
So far, fruit bowls and coffee machines have not disappeared, and there have been no reported sightings of the discount toilet paper that appeared in some bank bathrooms last time. 迄今为止,水果盘和咖啡机还没有消失,人们还没有看到上一次出现在一些银行洗手间的打折卫生纸。
The discount rate fixed by a central bank. 中央银行规定的贴现率。
Furthermore, the foreigners find themselves competing head-to-head for tenders all over the world with Chinese companies selling digested high-speed technology at discount prices, often with cheap state bank financing thrown in. 此外,外国公司还发现,在全世界竞标时都会遭遇中国企业短兵相接的竞争,中国企业以折扣价格销售消化了的高速铁路技术,往往还得到国有银行廉价信贷的慷慨支持。
It used to be that the Fed would grant loans to member banks in the form of discount rate lending if the bank could certify that it was in trouble. 过去常常是美联储,可以对会员银行以贴现率的形式发放贷款,如果这家银行可以证明自己处于困境之中。
They wanted to eliminate the stigma it used to be embarrassing to borrow at the discount window because the discount rate would because it would be an admission that the bank is in trouble. 他们希望消除这种瑕疵,过去在贴现窗口借钱,常常被认为是尴尬的事,因为贴现率将,因为这将是处于困境的银行的,进入权。
They receive slightly better discount rate from the Bank of england. 他们从英格兰银行得到略为好的贴现率。
The discount handed to the buyers exceeded that of the bank's previous divestment of CCB stock this year. 美银此次对买家提供的折扣,超出了该行今年早些时候卖出建行股份时所提供的折扣。
If we accept bills of exchange or cheques, the Buyer shall pay any discount charges or bank charges. 如果我方接受汇票或支票,买方应支付所有折扣费用或银行手续费。
Markets were caught off-guard by the Fed's announcement late on Thursday that it had raised its discount rate the level at which commercial banks tap the central bank for emergency funding. 美联储昨日宣布提高贴现率,让市场措手不及。贴现率是商业银行从美联储紧急贷款的利率。
He can either hold it to maturity or discount it with the negotiation bank. 他可以保留它直至到期,也可以向议付行贴现。
What's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers. 一级交易商信贷工具中,最本质的东西是,他们将会员银行的贴现窗口,向一级交易商打开了。
Party A shall not use the false contract entered with interested party and discount on or pledge claims such as notes recievable or accounts receivable to cheat the Bank of capital or credit. 甲方不得利用与关联方之间的虚假合同,以无实际贸易背景的应收票据、应收账款等债权到银行贴现或质押,套取银行资金或授信。
Buying a new pair of shoes at a discount price won't break the bank. 用折扣后的价格买一双鞋不会用完所有的钱。
Analysis of loan and discount of bank 银行借款和贴现分析
Another plus would be that purchases of such assets would remove their liquidity discount, giving the likes of the Bank of England at least a fighting chance of recovering their money when things finally recover enough to sell again. 另一个好处是,购买这些资产将消除它们的流动性折扣,在情况最终好转到可以重新售出这些资产时,英国央行等机构至少有一个可能成功收回资金的机会。
Then analyzes the feasibility to methods of liability financing in universities: discount financing 、 bank loaning 、 issuing education-bond 、 leasehold 、 spontaneous financing. 坚持低成本、易于取得和净增效益的原则,并对高校在财政贴息、银行贷款、教育债券发行、租赁、自然性融资等方面的负债筹资方式进行可行性分析。
Financial discount policy is an effective means in assisting the development of agriculture and can combine the finance and bank. 农业财政贴息的运用对我国农业的发展起到了积极的作用,但仍暴露出一些问题,因此有必要对农业财政贴息政策的实施效果进行绩效分析,以期提高农业贴息资金的使用效率。
Deposit reserve rate, public market business and discount rate are the three basic monetary policy tools. Deposit reserve rate is the strongest monetary policy tool among the three tools of the central bank. 存款准备金率、公开市场业务和贴现率是中央银行三大基本货币政策工具,其中存款准备金率被视为比较凶猛的货币政策工具。